Here are some books, essays and websites I (partially) read. Shoot me a message if you have any recommendations!
- Thinking fast and slow
- Sapiens
- Zero to one
- Code
- Incerto: Fooled by randomness, The black swan, Antifragile, The bed of procrustes
- Doing good better
- Rework
- Waking up
- Radical markets
- Inadequate equilibria
- The hard thing about hard things
- Man's search for meaning
- The elephant in the brain
- The mind illuminated
- Finite and Infinite Games
- The Worldly Philosophers
- Homo deus
- The power of habit
- Retorische Kritiek (Rhetoric)
- Freakonomics
- The World is Flat
- The Sense of Style
- World systems analysis
- This changes everything
- Distributed Systems
- Red blooded risk
- Modern Romance
- Capital in the twenty-first century
- The economics of inequality
- Elon Musk
- Games people play
- Good and real
- Influence
- Elements of Style
- The 4-hour workweek
- Utopia for realists
- Gödel, Escher, Bach
- Singularity is near
- Adapt
- Bad samaritans
- Understanding power
- Charisma Myth
- History of western philosophy
- Debt
- The 7 habits of highly effective people
- Think and grow rich
- The limits to growth
- Outliers
- Screw business as usual
- Skin in the game
- Verslaafd aan liefde
- Radical candor
- Overcoming gravity
- The mind is flat
- Lying
- The playbook :D
- Algorithms to live by
- The moral landscape
- Never split the difference
- Justice
- Seeing like a state
- Founders at work
- The Google way
- How Google works
- In the plex
- The slight edge
- Collapse
- The pmarca blog archives
- My inventions
- Winners Take All
- Rationality: From AI to Zombies
- Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously
- The Founder's Dilemma's
- The Scramble for Africa
- Dancing in the Glory of Monsters
- The World Is Flat
- 10% Less Democracy
- Atomic Habits
- It Doesn't Have To Be Crazy At Work
- The Course of Love
- Startup Playbook
- The Upside of Stress
- Mastering Bitcoin
- SRE books
- An Introduction To Mathematical Reasoning
- Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction
- The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics, and Logic Cannot Tell Us
- The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
- The Moral Animal
- Rules for a flat world
- Principles
- An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management
- Disciplined Entrepreneurship
- The Origins of You
- The State in the Third Millennium
- Fast progress requires strong gradients
- What on earth happened
- We are our brain
- Great founder theory
- Diversity and Complexity
- Chernobyl Prayer
- The Stories We Live By
- This can't be true
- Hope
- Mind of Napoleon
- Het Water Komt
- When The People Speak
- Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment
- Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy
- Strangers Drowning
- How to Solve it
- Knowledge and Decisions
- Noise a flaw in human judgement
- Internal Family Systems Therapy
- The Listening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics
- China in ten words
- Rebellion, Rascals, and Revenue: Tax Follies and Wisdom through the Ages
- Anthropic Bias
- Where is my flying car?
- Amp it up
- Kleur bekennen
- The Power Law
- European Founders at Work
- The Alignment Problem
- Talent
- Creativity
- The Rise and Decline of Nations
- Against the Grain
- Far from the tree
- What We Owe the Future
Favorite fiction
- Thomasina
- Pillars of the Earth
- His dark materials
- Kinderen van moeder aarde
- The hobbit
- Life of pi
- The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series
- The egg
- That alien message
- Permutation City
- Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time
- Zenosyne: The Sense That Time Keeps Going Faster
- Cloud Atlas
- Project Hail Mary
- Siddhartha
Favorite scope sensitivity commentary
- What happens on an average day?
- If all of humanity or all living being were seen as a single human's life, what happens each day?
Favorite movies
- The Truman Show
- Triangle of sadness & The Square
- Everything everywhere all at once
- Parasite
- Cloud atlas
- 3000 years of longing
- Benjamin Button
- What Dreams May Come
- Shutter Island & A Beautiful Mind
- V for Vendetta
- The matrix
- The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie - truly brilliant
Discovering more
- Hacker news
- Less wrong
- Marginal revolution
- Essays by Paul Graham
- Ribbonfarm
- A Venture Capitalist
- A Guide to MIRI’s Research
- The History of Economic Thought
- Watch Your Hack
- Anki spaced repetition app
- Simple and secure note taking app
- Inoreader
- Find a book which you're unlikely to read
- James Somers Reading list
- Alan Kay Reading list
- Stripe Press
- Marc Andreessen's blog